• FastVR in Italiano •


- Main window. On the right side - object properties, at the bottom - scene properties.





- Details of the object panel. The parameters of a panel may change depending on the type of object selected and are only available when necessary.








- Detail of a scene panel.









- Objects window.








- Details of position, orientation and dimensional values of an object or of a frame kept in the matrix of transformation of a selected object.








- Tab containing global information of a scene. The top part contains a list of objects, the bottom a list of materials.






- Tab for the input of scripts. It is possible to define a form script for each object and for scenes that will be executed independently. Thelanguage allows events and functions through which it is possible to modify all the properties that are in the editing panels of the objects.






- Tool panel for the optimization of frames and objects and also for the addition of simple geometric shapes.






- Material window used to apply materials to the surface of objects.






- Data concerning a material and texture stage properties. Each material can contain up to 8 images of textures or stages wich makes it possible to create material with particular characteristics such as bump map, environ map, etc. Each property supported by the render engine is modifiable, the material global properties are listed at the left of theentire panel, the eight remaining columns are the texture stages, each stage can contain an image in the most used format and AVI movies compressed as needed, it's also possible to use a camera streamed video input for a stage.


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